Was willst du dich betrüben
Why do you want to distress yourself
Cantata 107
BWV 107
Event: Chorale Cantata for 7th Sunday after Trinity
1st Performance: July 23, 1724, Leipzig
Readings: Epistle: Romans 6: 19-23; Gospel: Mark 8: 1-9
Text: Johann Heermann
Chorale Text: Was willst du dich betrüben
Click to read brief commentaries by Simon Crouch for Classical Net, James Leonard for All Music and Craig Smith for Emmanuel Music.
Performance of Cantata 107 by Soprano: Agnès Mellon; Tenor: Howard Crook, Bass: Peter Kooy; Chorus & Orchestra of Collegium Vocale Gent; Philippe Herreweghe conducting. Recorded at Minderbroederskerk, Ghent, Belgium.
To listen, click on underlined movements.
1) Chorus [S, A, T), B] Corno da caccia col Soprano, Flauto traverso I/II, Oboe d'amore I/II, Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo
Was willst du dich betrüben,
Why do you want to distress yourself,
O meine liebe Seel?
O my dear soul?
Ergib dich, den zu lieben,
Give yourself up to love of him
Der heißt Immanuel!
who is called Immanuel!
Vertraue ihm allein,
Have trust in him alone,
Er wird gut alles machen
he will make everything good
Und fördern deine Sachen.
and promote your affairs.
Wie dir's wird selig sein!
What blessings there will be for you!
2) Recitative [Bass] Oboe d'amore I/II, Continuo
Denn Gott verlässet keinen,
For God abandons no one
Der sich auf ihn verläßt.
who relies on him.
Er bleibt getreu den Seinen.
He remains true to those who are his,
Die ihm vertrauen fest.
who place their trust firmly in him.
Läßt sich's an wunderlich,
Something may begin in a baffling way,
So laß dir doch nicht grauen!
but do not let yourself be frightened.
Mit Freuden wirst du schauen,
With joy you will behold
Wie Gott wird retten dich.
how God will rescue you.
3) Aria [Bass] Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo
Auf ihn magst du es wagen
With him you may dare
Mit unerschrocknem Mut,
with a courageous spirit,
Du wird mit ihm erjagen,
you will with him get hold of
Was dir ist nütz und gut.
what is useful and good for you.
Was Gott beschlossen hat,
What God has decided,
Das kann niemand hindern
that nobody can change
Aus allen Menschenkindern;
from all the children of mankind.
Es geht nach seinem Rat.
Things go according to his counsel.
4) Aria [Tenor] Continuo
Wenn auch gleich aus der Höllen
Even if at once from hell
Der Satan wollte sich
Satan should want
Dir selbst entgegenstellen
himself to oppose you,
Und toben wider dich.
and rage against you
So muß er doch mit Spott
then with derision he would have
Von seinen Ränken lassen,
to leave off his intrigues
Damit er dich will fassen;
with which he wants to catch you:
Denn dein Werk fördert Gott.
for God helps your work.
5) Aria [Soprano] Oboe d'amore I/II, Continuo
Er richt's zu seinen Ehren
He directs all for his honour
Und deiner Seligkeit;
and your blessedness:
Soll's sein, kein Mensch kanns wehren.
it must be so, no man can fight against it,
Und wärs ihm doch so leid.
even if it means suffering for him.
Will's denn Gott haben nicht,
But what God does not want,
So kann's niemand forttreiben.
no one can carry on with.
Es muss zurückebleiben,
It must be left unfinished,
Was Gott will, das geschicht.
What God wants, that happens.
6) Aria [Tenor] Flauto traverso I/II all' unisono, Continuo
Darum ich mich ihm ergebe,
Therefore I devote myself to him,
Im sei es heimgestellt;
may all be left to him;
Nach nichts ich sonst mehr strebe
I strive after nothing more
Denn nur was ihm gefällt.
than what pleases him
Drauf wart ich und bin still,
For this I wait and am still,
Sein Will der ist der beste.
His will is what is best
Das glaub ich steif und feste,
I believe this strongly and truly,
Gott mach es, wie er will!
May God act however he wants!
7) Chorale [S, A, T, B] Corno da caccia col Soprano, Flauto I/II e Oboe I coll'Alto, Oboe d'amore II col Tenore, Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo
Herr, gib, daß ich dein Ehre
Lord, grant that I your honour
Ja all mein Leben lang
throughout my life
Von Herzensgrund vermehre,
may increase from the bottom of my heart,
Dir sage Lob und Dank!
and give you praise and thanks
O Vater, Sohn und Geist,
O Father, Son and Spirit
Der du aus lauter Gnade
you who out of pure mercy
Abwendest Not und Schaden,
turn away distress and harm,
Sei immerdar gepreist.
be praised for evermore!
The German Text: http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~wfb/bach.html. The English Translation is by Francis Browne: http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Intro.htm. Both used by permission.